MediaWiki API гӀо

Это автоматически сгенерированная страница документации MediaWiki API.

Документация и примеры:

list=centralnoticeactivecampaigns (cnac)

(main | query | centralnoticeactivecampaigns)
  • Этот модуль требует прав на чтение.
  • Хьост: CentralNotice
  • Лицензи: GPL-2.0-or-later

Get a list of currently active campaigns with start and end dates and associated banners.

Определённый параметр:
Other general parameters are available.

Include enabled future campaigns (as well as currently active campaigns).

Type: boolean (details)
Get a list of currently active campaigns with start and end dates and associated banners.
api.php?action=query&list=centralnoticeactivecampaigns&format=json [открыть в песочнице]