Чулацам дӀабаьккхина Чулацам тӀетоьхна
→‎Assalam Aleykum: Новая тема
МогӀа 55:
Hi Johana,
I found your profile randomly and was shocked to read that you are ahalf Cechen half Icelandic, is it really true? How did your mother managed to go to Iceland, I mean that's something confusing, and also you speak chechen? WOW!
:Wa alaykum salam. I am not Chechen at all! :D I am 0% Chechen, I just taught myself the Chechen language because I am very interested in Chechen. :) I wish inshAllah maybe I can have a Chechen family, but I am not Chechen. Barkal, ho noxcho vui/yui? --[[Юзер:Girdi|Гирди]] 00:39, 26 нажи-бутт 2009 (UTC)