Чулацам дӀабаьккхина Чулацам тӀетоьхна
Нисдарах лаьцна йаздина дац
МогӀа 84:
Look at [[user:Gendargno]]. He is an extremely pro-Russian editor and vandalizes pages connected with the independence movement. [[Юзер:Attafei|Attafei]] 10:33, 5 биэкъарг-бутт 2010 (UTC)
Is there an article on Chechnya itself? I know there's one about the Chechen Ichkerian Republic.. but what about Chechnya itself? [[Декъашхо:WhisperToMe|WhisperToMe]] ([[Декъашхон дийцаре:WhisperToMe|обсуждение]]) 05:20, 11 мангал бутт 2012 (UTC)