Файл йийцар:Насуханова, Ляля Андарбековна.jpg

ТӀаьхьара коммент: 3 шо хьалха - PlanespotterA320

@Дагиров Умар: Sorry for writing in English again. I just wanted to let you know that I found another photo of Nasukhanova that is less grainy (and the date of the photo and authorship of the photo is known too) that you may want to replace the current image in the infobox with that one ((or maybe this one?). Unfortunatly the angle/perspective isn't great in the first one, and the lighting and resolution in the second one isn't great either, but they're the best best photos I could find. I checked everywhere - goskatalog, TASS, yandex, etc and all the other ones were either illustrations, didn't show her face, too low resolution, etc. Sorry I couldn't find anything better. But anyway, you may want to replace the current image in the infobox with one of them.--PlanespotterA320 (дийцар) 2020, 27 май, 18:55 (UTC)Жоп дала

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