Danu Widjajanto
Йукъакхетта 2017, 27 апрель
(Декъашхочун дийцар:Mimihitam тӀера хьажжина кхуза)
ТӀаьхьара коммент йу: 5 шо хьалха йазйина Раммон декъашхочо «Unblock request» темехь
Unblock request
бӀаьра нисйанHello, Mimihitam. You have blocked me forever in the Indonesian Wikipedia because of cross-wiki provocation - adding photos in the article id:Pemenggalan Moskwa 2016. After the block I translated the article into Ukrainian language and I posted it into the Ukrainian Wikipedia with the photos. Akhmadjan tried to delete the photos in the article, but he was banned forever in the Ukrainian Wikipedia - its admins told him that as the photos do not violate copyright, then there is no reason to delete the photos. So I ask you to review my block and unblock me in the Indonesian Wikipedia. I'm not going to add the photos into the article in the Indonesian Wikipedia. Раммон (дийцар) 2019, 15 август, 08:45 (UTC)